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We Understand the Power of Storytelling


Nothing informs,  intrigues and ignites like a good story. While data points and statistics might convey a truth, stories leverage the theater of the mind to express experiences, persuade points of view, and inspire action. Most importantly, stories make solid, lasting human connections. 


When we hear a story, we’re not simply listening to that experience--we’re living the experience right along with the storyteller specifically because of the way the human brain responds to stories. The more we share our stories, the more those stories are internalized and the more we return to and think of those stories. 


At Michael Shaw Brand Solutions, we know that your organization has its own special story to tell; a story that explains the who, how and why of your business while creating a buzz that moves your audience to get involved in what you’re doing. We are the marketing consultant that you've been looking for.

Shaw Mike Pro Headshot -Edit.jpg
Micheal Shaw
Founder and Principal
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